I used to love horses and horse stories when I was younger. I went riding for ten years, had a room full of horse related things, wished to god I'd be able to own one instead of spending an hour a week at a stable.. not so obsessed now, but there definitely is something about them which catches my attention even now.
I agree with several people in this thread about why girls love horses. In spite of their mass, they're very beautiful and delicate-looking animals- they have enormous eyes, long mane and tails, etc. They're immensely strong and there's no way your average horse-mad girl could subdue them physically, yet they're usually so gentle towards humans and object very little to training. They're sensitive, easily frightened herbivores who are very easily hurt or traumatised, but they're also great athletes and show a lot of courage- they'll go into a crowd full of screaming, rioting football fans or jump over huge objects into a drop they can't see.. or they'll potter around quietly with a disabled child rider. There is something amazing about such a big animal lending someone their size and strength with comparitively so little training- you don't need to frighten or brainwash a horse for them to work for you, you only need to introduce them to tack/leading/riding without fear and most of the time they completely accept it.