Although I have to say that some of your points are contradictory in my frame of reference:
There is nothing wrong with you. You are talking about attraction and sexuality and physical acts and gender. These are not necessarily the same thing. To be attracted to women and love their personality is okay, and to not think about the sexual act and instead focus on other things is fine.
I would caution you to not compare yourself to others.
Especially Hugh Hefner. You are only setting yourself up for disappointment.
There is a ton of information out there about different gender types, and I would suggest you take a class in Women's and Gender studies. It will probably open your eyes to different ways to look at sexuality and your instincts.
Originally Posted by toby19
...every aspect of the female personality I appreciate as an integral piece in the beautiful tapestry that is feminity.
Ummm, okay. Integral tapestries of feminity? You have officially stumped me. Help me out on this one.