well, seems i'm the minority vote here. fine. screw you guys, I'm going home...
/channels Cartman
but seriously, don't get me wrong - as I said before, the woman sounds like an ass. wearing that sort of thing in public, particulary at the ripe old age of 32 is pretty innervating. i personally hate all that super-clever crap such as bumper stickers and t-shirts and so forth proclaiming one's political opinion with a little quip like this. my opinion is essentially that i would rather tolerate such a nuissance in public, than to censor it out. i don't like the precedent. who is really hurt by letting an idiot proclaim themselves publicly? your kid? i'd bet they are exposed to this a *lot* more often than by some lady with a shirt that says "fuck" on it, and this way you can make a little lesson out it. it's not like she was a street preacher with turret's syndrome, spewing obscenity-laced messages of armegeddon to her captive airborn audience. she had one little crappy t-shirt, that probably looked like she'd picked it up in daytona beach.
as for the 1st amendment aspect - it seems the first amendment is rapidly falling out of favor in our country - i seem to recall statastics showing that a large portion of school kids these days think it should be ok to censor the news. if you want to protest a political event, you can do so - from a nice, safe, far-away distance.
i think it sucks donkey balls. there. i said it. don. key. balls. nice and offensive. and i would rather have that spice being kicked around, than to have a nice, well mannered, staid public. everyone on their p's and q's. all the time. that's not to say i always want be the person doing the offending, but i'd rather have a society that tolerates it and errs on the side of tolerating other's views, than one that fails the other way. is this still part of the backlash against the sixties counter culture that seems to be in favor now?
for the private business aspects. this ain't mom and pops bistro. this is a de facto public form of transportation that hasn't managed to be consistently solvent for any respectable period of time that i can recall. they are only still operating because federal tax dollars bail them out.
ng: no particular offense on the nascar stuff - it was a rhetorical point. i do really hate spandex in public places. icky icky foo. to each their own...now, the nail polish stuff. that's just a personal anti-fetish of mine. it drives me up the walls. kind of like eddie murphy's "hammertoe" thing in boomerrang.
/off to work
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style