Why is this news.
I was watching the news this morning and saw that the minnestoa vikings had a "sex Party." Why is this news? I mean Culpepper had a press conferance and not a single reporter had a question about the Upcoming game on sunday. THe confernce lasted a whole 8 seconds or something.
I mean are these reporters jelous? Do they wish they could have a sexparty on a boat? Why on earth does this make the news? Are they running out of things to cover with all the things going on in the world? All of these questions and no answers. Imean these people are million dollar athletes and all we can think to do is attack them. Culpepper, Arguably one the best Quarterbacks in the NFL today, could have a record breaking Game and at the conferance afterwards all they want to know is why he would go off on a romp and who was on the boat with them. This is ridiculous.
Well I guess if you build a million bridges, but suck one cock you will be a cock sucker for the rest of your life.
"Two men: one thinks he can. One thinks he cannot. They are Both Right."