Originally Posted by Daoust
I'm just looking for a little equality, that's all...
It's like this... Let's say I wanted to start a thread called "All your 'Guthmund is a homophobic, racist, sexist, beastiality practicing child molester' jokes go here:"... what would happen?
I would be banned with little fanfare or debate. Why? Because I offended someone, namely you. I thought the whole backbone of the TFP was to be accepting of everyone, regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation... Well, guess what? This thread offends me, whether I read the jokes in it or not. I can assume by the title of the thread that the content inside it is offensive. Therefore, if it offends me it contradicts the very mission statement of the TFP, and by that rationale this thread should be shut down. Am I wrong?
Just looking for some fairness here.
flaming a member of the community and flaming a person who has yet to be proven exists to this day are different things. There are plenty of things on TFP that are offensive to people in some way. The TFP isn't about not offending someone it's about understanding and learning new ideas. However, in certain places there is a sort of anything goes (with exception to the rules of course). These places are humor and nonsense. If this sort of thing offends you, then I hope to Buddah that you never go into the politics board.
Why would you come in here trying to start something in a humor board? The title said offensive and it was meant to be funny. That sounds like a troll to me. The best thing you could have done was to pm the original poster and get his view on it or pm a mod to get their view. Congratulations on hijacking a funny thread.
EDIT: btw, I have an admins approval on this thread. Nuff said.