I went to a private Christian school, the conservative fundamentalist kind, from preschool through eighth grade and come across this type of stuff all the time. We'd always watch these "archeological" videos shot somewhere in the Middle Easton on various different topics, like the arc, or the shroud of Turin, or the place of Jesus Tomb or whatever. They'd try to show all this scientific evidence which proved the event really happened and that every word of the Bible must be literally true. When I was younger, it was so easy to find the videos "cool" and be totally taken in by them. But of course I thankfully grew up and had lots of really awesome people around me and I got over it pretty quickly.

Like Lebell said, if the Christians who make and promote these videos and similar other projects have such a strong faith, why the obsessive need to prove every word of the Bible true?
Anyway, is there scientific proof that God exists? None that you can find through any experiment in a lab. But I think science itself can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of god. What I mean is this - science shows us how incredibly complex and intricate and beautiful our world really is. One can choose to believe it got that way by chance, or one could choose to believe it was all set in motion by a god who was capable of creating something so wonderful.