You know, I actually totally agree with y'all now. I think the best way for the airline to have handled it was to cause all this horseshit, instead letting the other however many passengers simply look at her with all the ridicule and scorn that she deserves for wearing such crap the age of 32. I think it's a fantastic precedent to set - and definately got rid of the problem in the most effective manner possible. I'll tell you this much. I personally find spandex and wife beater t-shirts offensive, and particularly when they endorse NASCAR events. Don't get me started on finger nail and toe nail polish. (Hello, my name is gaudy white trash!!!) It's disgusting and causes me to have violent gas. Therefore, I would like all people wearing such crap kicked off every plane, bus, and subway I ever get on. Period.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style