Originally Posted by brian1975
So a pedo reading or looking at child porn is gonna stop or hopefully discourage him/her from raping or harming a child? Should we then have people dress sexy and walking around town to discourage people from raping people? I don't think it works either way.
Hey! Now, wait a minute....
Slow down there partner, writing a story about having sex with kids isn't even in the same league as real child pornography.
Pictures, for instance, are records of events that
have happened not
will happen. A story, distasteful as that story is, is a product of the imagination and by definition fictitious. Now it's certainly true that a story can reflect real events, but even then the logical course would be to punish for the actual event itself not the written record of it.
These stories are about fantasy (not a fantasy many of us wish to be involved with, but a fantasy nonetheless), so, I have no problem with that as long as Average American Joe keeps it in the realm of fantasy.
Personally, it offends. I don't like it, but I recognize that freedom/liberty/whateveryouwanttocallit doesn't apply solely to me. If I want to be able to say what I want to say, read what I want to read, so on and so forth, then it applies to
all or it applies to
none. I'd rather everyone had the opportunity.
Originally Posted by meembo
I don't think you can legislate things that go on in people's heads. We punish acts, not thoughts.
There you go. That about sums it all up right there.