My biggest gripe would be the change in their position. If they'd been consistent I doubt there would have been as much of a problem. Dumping someone off a plane midway between their starting point and destination could be a big cost for someone. She's not asking for a lot - just for her added expenses paid. I think that's fair.
As for the freedom of speech part of this debate. I would never wear a shirt like that in a general public situation. I would not necessarily appreciate vulgar language. I would NOT however force someone else to change their clothes because of my tastes. Besides - how many people are seeing that shirt repeatedly during a flight. Everyone is facing the same direction and she was likely sitting with her husband on one side of her so that leaves only a few people who would have seen the shirt very much. Why make an issue of it in the middle of a trip? That's stupid and bad business.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.