I honestly don't care how cheap SW is to fly, I don't fly them because of inconsistencies like that -- the last Southwest flight I took, they allowed a man who was clearly intoxicated to board the plane (which I believe is a violation of FAA rules) the guy smelled like a brewery an was loud and obnoxious (and this was by my new york standards). By the time the plane reached it's destination... they had the guy tied in a seat and was greeted by state troopers and he was arrested. Didn't have to happen if Southwest had actually done their job and not let him board to begin with.
Southwest doesnt seem to have a clear set of guidelines that they follow. If a person has stinky feet - don't let them board at the beginning, if the person is wearing an offensive tshirt, don't let them board at the outset of the flight - (betcha somoene else on the flight complained and that is what prompted it.)
(this is also the same airline that was faced with a lawsuit from some woman who got offended when the flight attendent got people in their seats by saying eenie meanie miney moe, please take your seats so we can go... (that was offensive because the second half of eenie meanie actually uses a derogatory term... Guess southwest is a little gunshy about offending anyone,.
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