Originally Posted by Charlatan
I agree that the airline can refuse to service anyone they wish. They just need to be consistent. Apparently her shirt was OK in LA but somewhere between LA and Reno it became *not* OK.
The account in the article is a little confusing. I assume the kicking off took place before the plane took off--it makes little sense to kick her off in mid-flight or after they reached their destination.
EDIT: I see now--it was between portland and LA, in Reno. Which really sucks for the woman.
According to the t-shirt-wearing woman, she agreed to cover it up with a sweatshirt, but then the sweatshirt "slipped" when she went to sleep? That sounds really really strange. 1st of all, she managed to get to sleep before the plane took off? It could happen i guess, if the plane were really delayed. 2ndly, the sweatshirt 'slipped'? When's the last time you wore a sweatshirt, fell asleep in a chair, and the sweatshirt slipped off you even a little bit?