General intelligence that pertains to anything relevant... probably below average. How does one get a 2.35 GPA in History? It's far from someone getting a 2.35 in, say, Particle Physics.
Intelligent in social engineering, knowing how to lie and manipulate, knowing which strategies work best for his agenda? Rather high, like any other successful politician that is lucky enough to land into the top position. Although he does rely on others way too much, so it might be their intelligence being used as opposed to his own. (Rove et al)
Intelligence doesn't really matter in a presidency, anyway. To be honest, it's a bit of a joke. Any one of us here could be president and do a better than average job of it because they typically rely on the general opinion of others as opposed to what they personally believe in.
I'm sure every day he's asking questions "How can we get around this?" "How do we make this work?" "what is the best approach", etc.
I love lamp.