Originally Posted by feelgood
...I'm siding with the government in this series of attack against porn websites where most of them are just simply too werid but who am I to say what's werid and what isn't?
That's the issue. EVERYONE, like you, makes a passing judgement on something they have no interest in, or real knowledge about. However, most people don't qualify their
opinion with "who am i to say...", which makes the vast majority of them appear to be outraged that adults are engaging in consentual sexual activities, and other consenting adults are purchasing a video of it.
I'm SO glad the world is a safe place now. I'm glad we've got Osama, cured all diseases, solved the problems of hunger, poverty, and lack of education not just here in America, but also in the whole world. Surely, since the FBI has SO MUCH TIME to be doing this, there must be no problems left to solve.
Children are not being poisoned by hardcore pornographic material, they're not being mind-warped by erotica, and they're not dying or being raped by their computers because of pictures of people's wives and girlfriends. But, yes, this generation of children in America is getting fucked up... and it's not Max Hardcore, NowThatsFuckedUp, sex and violence in the media, videogames, and movies... it's the stupid, lazy, piece of shit parents who are having them. As JumpinJesus said in another thread, about computer porn... (paraphrase) all these people want to move into a castle, put up a giant fence, and shield their precious little bastards from all the horrors of the world. They're fucking morons.
They brought this about, in this administration, with their agendas of hate, and their ignorance, their desire to rid the world of everything not matching what "they" believe is "right", and all because they're shitty parents who can't do something as simple as BE A PARENT and supervise their children's use of the internet, NOT BUY them violent or sexually explicit video games, and be informed on what kind of TV they're watching. It's the digital fucking babysitters called the TV, the XBOX, and the Playstation that are raising this generation of children, not the "parents". The other day I made a comment to a coworker about someone going out and having Tivo record up a couple of baby-sitters (meaning the parents would just sit them in front of the TV and let IT watch them), and this woman within earshot, who had two little kids with her, gave me the meanest glare. It's so funny that "i'm mad because i'm guilty of this" is always so plain on people's faces.