Originally Posted by mrklixx
Who said anything about exonerating anybody(see my comment about the psychic inducing powers of the internet)? It's half the battle to having an open minded discussion rather than knee-jerk diatribes. And according to Charlatan the clip is not objective because objectivity does not exist.
Objectivity does not exist when the sources are human. I highly doubt that charlatan was arguing against the existence of an objective reality, and even if he was, that discussion is a little beyond the scope of this one, perhaps worthy of another thread. He was actually specifically referring to your opinion that the internet was
is bringing about the painful death of objectivity.
Were you referring to objectivity as it exists absolutely or were you referring to it in the context of interpersonal communication?
I think the line that most people are taking is that the contents of the video, regardless of who shot it, seem to point only towards the conclusion that the police officers involved are piece of shit douchebags.