Originally Posted by JumpinJesus
I detest the suburban fear families more than anything else in the world. These fucks are the reason I have to read on my stove a warning label telling me not to crawl inside while the heat is on. They are the reason I have to be told my coffee is hot. They are the reason that, before any kid can play any sport, they have to be wrapped up in guaze and padding like the Michelin Man. They are the reason I'm an ass if I don't wear a helmet on my bike. They're the reason I have to be given a big fucking sign informing me that a marble can be a choking hazard. They're the reason I have to prepay for my gas at the pump before I know how much it will cost. They're the reason I have to have CD art ruined with a black and white label telling me that there are dirty words in it. They're the reason I have to be told that big macs aren't good for me. They're the reason there are big fucking signs on vending machines telling me that if I tip over a 500 pound box, it could hurt me. They're the reason I have to be told that shampoo isn't supposed to be ingested. They're the reason the internet is one big fucking shopping mall instead of the wealth of information is was promised to be. They're the reason I'm writing this reply.
These useless hat boxes move to the suburbs, pump out 5 kids named after Disney characters, build fences around their yards, guard their shit from every conceivable intrusion possible, and are convinced that there is a boogey man around every corner. They want this world watered down so their stepford children are "safe". They want everything to be "safe" and perpetuate this stupidity on the rest of us.
If you're worried that your kid is looking at naked women on the internet, then watch your fucking kids. Better yet, don't allow them internet access on their computers and if they are using the internet on your computer, then watch what the hell they're doing.
/end rant.
Every. Single. Word.
(except MY ranting pretty much never seems to end.