Originally Posted by Daoust
No! I'm being serious  !
I'm confused... Are you upset? Because the words say one thing, but the smiley face conveys something else...
Oh well, if you are please read further....
It's not like I lured you in here under false pretenses. I was pretty upfront about the thread being full of Jesus jokes. I even slapped the word 'offensive' in there to warn you.
So, despite the accurate description and the obvious warning, you still came in here and then took the time to leave a little reply...?
Well, if you're going to go out of your way to be offended, I'm glad I could help.
I would gladly start a Mohammed or a Buddha thread, if I could find the material. Sadly there isn't a whole lot out there, so I guess I'll have to pick on Jesus just a bit longer.