Originally Posted by Charlatan
You are correct there are a few edits. I guess they are exhibiting a liberal bias and Mr. Angry Pants really should have kicked that yellow journalists ass...
First of all, If you consider that journalist got an "ass kicking", then you have lived a
very sheltered life. Second, that smart-ass "liberal" comment is so far off base it's really not funny. Third, I
do believe this was filmed with bias because of the supposedly "raw" footage that was on the tape afterward, which addresses
this question:
Originally Posted by shakran
What are you suggesting, that they set up the whole thing for fun? How'd they get NOPD in on it?
I think they were trolling for it, and hit the jackpot, because with the "if it bleeds, it leads" mentality combined with the "all NO cops are corrupt" mentality, sprinkled with a little thing called, oh
a hurricane, I think they saw Bourbon Street as a goldmine. I could find no statements of what they were actually there to cover, and if anyone can find out provable evidence of what this other "mystery story" was then I will gladly withdraw that comment.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
1) what we saw, regardless of the edits, was brutality.
I see nothing untowards in the piece, even with the edits. As it stands it is a Rorschach test. You see what you want to see.
You're right. (up until the smart-ass straw man bit).
I think that personal definitions has
a lot to do with it. Regardless of the dictionary definition, "brutal" means something far worse that this to me, and calling every other thing "brutal" simply dilutes the word into meaninglessness.
I agree with the poster(s) that say our society is in trouble. Not because of some agitated cops in a troubled region that overreacted to a situation. But because incontextual "sound bytes" and "video bytes" are used to whip people into a crucifying frenzy. That, compounded with the pseudo psychic inducing powers of the internet, is bringing about the painful death of objectivity.