There aren't any drugs that are only taken through iv, for those of you scared of needles. IMO needles are far too demonized, it's just another method of administration. Granted, it is tough on the veins, and for those that don't know what they're doing and/or are unsure of the purity (although the experienced user will test their product first)........well they can run into problems. People like that have no business fucking with needles anyways.
That said, I've never shot up. I did know a guy who likes to shoot his crystal methamp. A bit suicidal, he decided to shoot a half gram. In one shot. Poor bastard had a brain anuerism with the needle still in his arm. This was a year ago, and I'm pretty sure he's still shooting that shit.
Drugs I've done:
Methamp/Amphets (used to have a bit of a meth problem)
Various opiate pharms
Coke (to the dude who felt shitty while doing coke when drinking.....thats what coke's for!)
I'd like to try LSD and some of the rc's, unfortunately these drugs are all but unheard of in my area.....