Originally Posted by Charlatan
1) what we saw, regardless of the edits, was brutality.
2) I have no issue with four officers taking down a suspect in that manner. I do have an issue with the multiple punches to the head. Unjustified.
What we may be seeing is the police following their Force Continuum (Department policy on Use of Force). It's hard to say due to there being so many edits to the film. The officers may be perfectly justified in their use of force.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
Some see this headline: 64 year old gets beat by police. Report witnessing the event is roughed up.
Others see: Ignorant, criminal black man gives some of our boys a rough time and gets what he deserves! Member of the Yellow Press sticks his nose where it doesn't belong and gets his ass whooped!
Nice Straw Man argument. "Either you see this like the rest of us sensible people or you're an ignorant racist redneck."