My daughter is generally well behaved but once about a year ago totally snapped when we were at a mall. She just went psycho and had a full blown tantrum when we wouldnt buy her a barbie. She was screaming, yelling, kicking and trying to hit. She's never done this before so it kind of freaked us out. You could tell that she just couldn't stop because of the level she had worked herself up to.
What I did was grab her and hold her to my chest rather tightly - not hurting her, but keeping her to me tightly in a hug. She gradually calmed down (took like 10 or 15 minutes) and we had a talk. She claimed she doesnt know why she got so upset and was a bit freaked herself.
She only did that like 3 times in a 4 month period. thankfully the other two times were at home. I think it was just a 'stage' she had to get through because she's been fine ever since and we've not changed anything in how we raise her.
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
Winston Churchill