Originally Posted by HoneyPot
So I called him.... I know too soon, but I had to do it to get it off my mind. I was very casual. Just said 'hey its kelley, just wanted to see whats up and was going to ask if you wanted to go grab a beer or something sometime this week. gimme a call ***-**** talk to you later.' I finally called. I had to grow some balls literally. I hate calling guys. Yuck. I don't think I'm desperate, I think I'm just too damn picky. I would consider myself very picky. I don't even call guys... I just meet and greet and then say goodbye, usually. I can't believe I called him, I think I made a mistake?
Just a piece of advice:
1) It can NEVER be a mistake to call someone you like. If they like you, they won't care that you called "early."
2) Stop saying "I don't call guys." That's just a cop-out. If you still think the guy should always call, then don't expect to be paid the same, and
definitely don't expect to vote. Rules about which gender is supposed to do what are out. Get the idea out of your head.
3) You may not think you're desperate, but everything you've said on these boards has told
us that you're desperate. It shows in your words and actions. Everybody
but you thinks you're desperate. Even if you think you're not, that doesn't matter. The boys you're trying to bed think you are, so they'll treat you accordingly.
4) RELAX. Breathe. I understand dating can be nerve-racking, but that's the nature of the game. This is a corollary to point number 3. If you don't relax, if you don't stop worrying so much about every action, about "how soon should I call?" about "what does it mean when he touches me with his left foot instead of his right?" you'll never get anywhere.
5) Stop trying to read "signals." Try using words. They work wonders. Seriously, if you can't talk to someone, good luck having a relationship.