An old and rich man once told me "Invest in what makes your life better..."
Long story short: Look around you and find things that you use, THAT MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER, and invest in the company that makes them.
I use google all the time. therefore GOOG
I use my cellphone all the time. Therefore Motorola
et cetera, ad infinitum. Do you like the pizza place down the street? Ask if they need capital.
Stock markets can be volatile, and have large short term fluctuations. I would recommend an indexed fund, or a real-return bond. The rate is pegged to the interest rate or the CPI, and therefore you are always doing better than inflation.
Only invest what you are willing to lose. If you can't afford to throw the money away, I would suggest a secure tool like GICs or term deposits.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.