I personally think that Bush is either not very smart at all, or else has used a very interesting political tactic in making himself appealing to a lot of Americans. It is extremely difficult for me to imagine someone growing up in a house with that much money, a father who was involved with the cia, attending yale (and harvard) who speaks that poorly. It really blows my mind. I occasionally wonder whether he essentially speaks "in dialect" so that "average" people aren't intimidated by him. It's one of the top things I hear Bush supporters say "He sounds genuine. He sounds like a regular person. So what if he's not a great orator."
I personally think that it is a very important skill, one that he either lacks or intentionally eschews, and I think it's a major drawback of his. We are supposedly in the middle of a cultural war, a war of democracy and liberty facing the tyrany of a backasswards quasi-middle ages extremist opposition. I think it is very important that the leader of the country be able to articulately express these ideals we are fighting for. I personally feel shortchanged.
The scariest thought to me is when I consider the notion that he really may be all the things I fear: silver spoon elitist spoiled kid grown into an arrogant deluded fundamentalist/imperialist who made it where he is more by $$$ and family connections than merit.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style