All you guys out there... Help me out here!

I met him on friday at a bar (which i know is not a good place). I saw him when I came in and we were facing each other from a few tables away. Totally handsome, I thought. Not just in a cute boy way, but in a manly way. Blonde hair, blue eyes, blonde eyelashed and eyebrows. Very darling. Anyway, my friends and I were sitting at a table having a few drinks when these guys from Oregon preceded to hit on us. At first I wasn't digging it, but then again they had great personalities and were a crack up. So then we began to chat it up and were goofing around making jokes and having a good time. In the meantime, I keep eye balling my blonde eyed cutie... I know hes looking at me...
Anyway, my friends and I get ready to go to another bar... we head over to blondie's table where one of my friend's boyfriend is sitting. Blondie is sitting right next to him! I couldn't believe it... So I turned around and said hello. He immediately put his arms around me... so cute. Then we talked for a little and told me how he didn't want me to leave. He asked for my number I gave it to him. He called my phone right there and left a message on my phone with his number! I told him where we were going... he ended up coming there later. I wasn't around when he got there, but he was asking my friends where I was... They came and got me pronto. We ended up going out to breakfast at 2 in the morning with a friend of mine. We took Blondie home and I went home. He called the next day 3 times... I was totally stoked. We met up that night again. I ended up going to an after party and had a blast with him. I went back to his place and stayed the night. I behaved myself... he was very sweet about it... Don't get me wrong we did fool around and have a little fun, but I couldn't go all the way because I was surfing the crimson tide. Not good. He was still cool with everything. The next morning or should I say afternoon...heh heh He was still sweet... we were flirty and content with each other. When he dropped me off at my house I gave him 3 kisses goodbye and he said he would talk to me later... that was yesterday and I haven't heard anything. I know I'm thinking way too much on this one...