Originally Posted by ChistledStone
Actually, I bought a PSP (black - although I did have the option for white but said no. If I want an iPod/Apple knock off, I'll buy a Creative Zen Player, or even better just buy the actual thing. Black is the colour of Sony) in HK recently and I can tell you that;
1. Yeah you can put movies on. But it's a bitch to do (because for decent quality you need to convert them and it's annoying). Also Sony decided to further their brand making it so you can only use Duo memory sticks which are expensive and can only go up to one gig.
2. And yeah, the firs thing you do is set the language.
I recently saw a 2GB memory stick at my local Gamestop - or at least I thought I did, perhaps I was hallucinating. Also, I'll be going to HK in December and was curious, are things (such as PSPs and other electronics) significantly cheaper there, or is that all rumors and lies that I've been told?