Originally posted by seretogis
They obviously resigned because George W. Bush is an anti-semitic environment-destroying SUV-driving children's-lunch-stealing slave-owning gay-bashing senior-citizen-beating reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. If you think otherwise, you're a part of the vast right-wing conspiracy.
Uh...yeah. That's...what people were saying...not only in this thread, but anywhere on the board...what?! Come on now.
In all seriousness, there's really no reason to look closely at their resignations. Fleischer's deputy is taking his place, which doesn't really seem like something that would happen if he was fired. Generally if you fire someone, you get rid of their co-horts as well.
Again, Fleischer is the press secretary. I don't think he's important enough to have co-horts. If you fire someone for being treasonous to your administration, then I'd say you fire those who support them, but in this case Fleischer is out because he's not doing his job well enough, and thus his understudy steps up.
I do like the statement "there's no reason to look closely at their resignations." It's amusingly close in tone to "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."