Originally Posted by athletics
... So if you do or don't like them, let me know too...
Several chiropractors have been the accused in wrongful death suits in my region in the past two years. It seems that they "Over Correct" the neck, or they use a thing shaped like a pen called an "Actuator" that basically gives you a good jab where they want.
Problem is, the "Over Correction" they describe is actually a guy breaking your fucking neck, killing you; this "Actuator" thing can burst a blood vessel in your neck, causing you to stroke out once the clot hits the ol' thinker.
Evidenced based medicine and the medical community in general know that the only thing a chiropractor is good for is relieving lower back pain caused by misaligned vertebrae. Anything else they try and tell you is:
1. Not proven science;
2. Placebo effect;
3. A fucking lie;
So, IMHO, I'll take my chances with number 2, but not 1 or 3, thank you very much.
Before you TFP'ers who swear by this practice jump down my throat, please remember 2 things...
1. the M and O in IMHO stands for MY OPINION (the I stands for IN and the H stands for HUMBLE)
2. Do whatever you want to your body if it makes you feel better, but please spend your own money doing it. That means that I am opposed to making chiropractic visits covered under the public health plan, something the chiropractic community has been trying to do since they started. They want to be seen as physicians, and I will do everything in my power to prevent that from happening.
Good luck in your studies! Please stay away from that "Actuator" thing and look for scientific evidence in your practice.