This thread actually started with the following caveat: "This discussion is not about the Christian god or Jesus, but about every religion with a supreme, omniscient being."
And you, yourself, wrote: "Well, the original question was whether we have free will or an omniscience being."
So to now say, "I'm not using omniscience as it applies to a divine being" is to be a bit disingenuous.
Then you say: "The being in question is omniscient. It knows everything. Simultaneously and atemporally. Past, Present, Future. This knowledge has no impact on our free will. This omniscient being may know than Bob won't choose vanilla ice cream, but that is not the same as saying Bob can't choose vanilla.?"
Actually that's exactly the same as saying Bob can't choose vanilla. The only way to be sure he won't is to know that he can't, because the choices have already been made in advance. Who made them is another question, but in your scenario, it certainly was not Bob.