First off, I'm not using omniscience as it applies to a divine being... because "divine being" implies other characteristics (e.g. omnipotence) that merely serve to confuse the issue. The being in question is omniscient. It knows everything. Simultaneously and atemporally. Past, Present, Future. This knowledge has no impact on our free will. This omniscient being may know than Bob
won't choose vanilla ice cream, but that is not the same as saying Bob
can't choose vanilla.
We can talk about omnipotent beings, omnicient and omnipotent beings that just watch, omnicient and omnipotent beings that meddle, omnicient and omnipotent universe creating beings, etc. and how each combination of traits would impact actual freedom of will (in all cases we would still appear to have free will), but we need to keep each case seperate.
Originally Posted by Mantus
Are you not the sum of various causes?
I think is one of those cases where the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts.