Originally Posted by powerclown
And even if this were true, and I have no doubt it isn't, I'd prefer a guy who goes around saying God told him to do something positive in the world, to the guy who goes around saying his God told him to blow up subways, blow up nightclubs, blow up innocent civilians on the street, launch missiles into public neighborhoods, and fly jets into buildings. I'll take that first guy everytime.
Hey, so will I. Too bad that in the case of our president, God apparently told him to blow up Iraq while letting Al Qaeda and bin Laden run free for 4 years, oh and there's that small bit about God telling him to spend a shitload of money "building up" a department of homeland security that can't effectively respond to a predicted disaster until almost an entire week had gone by. I'd sure hate to see their performance should the disaster be terrorism and therefore not predicted. Yeah, too bad the guy that God told to do positive things isn't in the white house right now.