Originally Posted by maleficent
A lot, from all over the us go to the main post office in new york city... where kind people (and crabby do-gooders)
Auugh! I really hate crabby do-gooders. I know exactly who you are talking about. They have no patience, and try to make themselves look good by doing it at all. They should be removed from those positions!
Originally Posted by maleficent
can pick them up, sift thru hundreds of thousands of letters and fulfill the wishes of disadvantaged children
We've done the Giving Tree thing, where you take gift requests from disadvantaged kids, buy and wrap the items, and return them before Christmas. I've shed many tears reading requests for things that most of us have lots of like coats, jeans, and books.
Originally Posted by maleficent
it's quite honestly, my favorite part of the holiday.
Bless you, maleficent.