Quantum probability breaks determinism. It doesn't break causality in a historic sense, but it does make all systems essentially chaotic over long enough timescales (Note: chaotic and random are not synonyms).
Causality has been traditionally recognized as not sufficient to preclude free will. I suppose one could argue that it's turtles all the way down and the decision making of agents is, ultimately, a mechanical/chemical/physical process... but then we have to get into the whole observer phenomenon, which gets kind of messy when the oberver IS the thing being observed.
Also, the focus on the mechanical aspect overlooks that the question is not so much about what does happen as what could happen. Though Alice always chooses vanilla and Bob always chooses chocolate with 100% predictablity, this does not prevent them from choosing differently the next time they're in the ice cream shop. They won't choose differently, but that's a fundamentally different statement from saying they can't choose differently.
Simple Machines in Higher Dimensions