Originally Posted by guccilvr
if you go to a bar and don't expect to get some liquor on you by the end of the night.. you're going to the wrong bars. It happens.. you deal with it. Have a good time. She was just looking for free drinks.
I was thinking the exact same thing. When I go to the bars, they are crowded and navigating through the crowds means you're going to bump into people, and people are going to bump into you. The only ones who make a huge deal about things are those looking for free drinks or a fight.
In my neck of the woods...
1. a little bit of liquid sloshing out when someone bumps into you is not a "spill," it's no big deal. A spill is when someone really slams into you and causes a sizeable portion of your drink to exit the glass it was previously in.
2. If you can't afford to have a little spill out, you're drinking beyond your means.
3. It's considered bad form to advertise how expensive your drink is/was. It doesn't impress people, it makes you look like a pretentious piece of shit.
4. The area right by the bar is a very high traffic area, so you order, pay, and get the fuck out of the way. If you feel the need to hang out right in front of this area, don't be suprised if you get knocked into. After all, you're obstructing the flow of traffic.