Ceramic White PSP.
Yeah, so these look amazing sexy to me.
I've been considering buying one in time for GTA: Liberty City, and I noticed that these are out in Japan, and about 30$ more.
See, I don't really care about the 30$ difference, the only thing is that it won't play American UMD Movies. It'll play games region free, but only Japanese UMD Movies.
So heres a few questions for you, mighty TFP gamers:
1) Is there any way to modify it to play region free UMD Movies? Similar to how you'd add a mod chip to a console?
2) Is the White PSP coming out in America any time soon? Like, before the big XMAS season?
3) Unrelated, but does Gamefly and/or Netflix rent UMD movies, or do they plan to in the future?
4) If I can't get an American PSP in white, are there any companies that I can send a black one for them to paint it?
" Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials."
- Lin Yutang
hearts, by d.a.