Originally Posted by Strange Famous
What it means is that all natural resources belong to all humankind equally, and to claim ownership of them privately is an act of theft.
Oic. However, we're not talking about natural resources but about intellectual property. You can't say that what
I think of belongs to you or anyone else but me, so I won't accept that a song written by James Blunt (to pick one from the air) belongs to you or anyone else either.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
It means that all commodities produced under capitalist relations of production involve the exploitation and the alienation of labour, they are artefacts made of original theft, of original sin.
Interesting idea. Horseshit, though, for those of us who don't believe in Original Sin. If my father "sins" and is punished, say by removal of a hand, that doesn't make any children of his after that hand-less.
The whole concept of "owning" is contradictory to the true social nature of mankind, the concept of "property" is a deviation of human nature.
As proven by what?
Just to keep it clear: SF, I'm not arguing with
you but with the idea. Please defend it as you can, to try to explain it more thoroughly.