Originally Posted by host
...I lean towards an opinion that Rove is a criminal, possibly even a traitor. Rove seems to be running a criminal conspiracy, widely known as the "Bush presidency".
... Bush made the decision to sell his soul for the fruit of Rove's tactics, more than a decade ago. The problem for the rest of us Americans, is that it affects the lives and the futures of all of us, event those of us who identified Bush and Rove as the unprincipled outlaws that they were in 2000, and continue to be, today.
...The veneer is off now, and this administration must be exposed, prosecuted, and brought down.
Dude, I am a CANADIAN LIBERAL and I find those comments insulting. If you are trying to engage someone in debate, this is not the way to do it.
Is this the point in the thread where some right-wing nut job is supposed to jump in and call Bill Clinton worse than Hitler?
No, this is the point in the thread where every(sane)body rolls their eyes, shrugs their shoulders, and walks away from the thread.
I just have an obsessive compulsive disorder where I try and make people see, and acknowledge, different points of view.
Don't worry... You crazy yanks instituted a law where a president, even the best president in the world for all eternity, is limited to two terms. Isn't George Bush on his second term? No matter what, he'll be gone soon.