You don't get busted for DOWNLOADING.
You get busted for SHARING.
If you download, don't worry about it. And like many have said, you have to be summoned. A simple letter in the mailbox does not bind you to anything.
If you download, don't let this thread deter you. It's just a scare tactic.
People think these cases are sealed and done. That's only because the party involved gets scared and admits to fault and settles. Most people don't realize that there is a LOT they HAVE to prove - and if you actually went through the whole process, odds are in YOUR favor, not theirs.
For instance, the IP could be spoofed... or if you have unsecre wireless as I mentioned above. Them winning in this case is as good as me randomly accusing someone of something and suing them for $50k.
Most don't realize that, and that's why people are so scared and quick to give in.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 10-07-2005 at 12:25 PM..