Originally Posted by ARauckhorst
I did, however, wait around all day for my girlfriend to at least make mention of my birthday, but she never did. After the fact that my birthday was over I asked her about it and she just blatantly said she forgot.
Way to make me feel like someone special.
Happy Belated B-Day, my friend.
However, I'm not really sure why people do what you described above - it certainly doesn't make you feel any better.
Granted, it would have been nice to have your girlfriend remember, but she's human, and forgot. If it bothered you so much that she didn't wish you a happy birthday, why didn't you gently remind her what day it was?
I often wonder about this situation - I have seen it on several occasions between someone and the SO - birthdays sometimes, but especially anniversaries. It seems almost like one is trying to "test" the other - and if your relationship is based one person remembering a trivial date, you may want to move on....