Originally Posted by Poppinjay
<i>that I wanted to make a mense</i>
Only a cervix can make a mense.
Otherwise, you were a twit. "Other people tagged along" burning her planner? Maybe if you could really recognize who is at fault here, you might make some headway.
By the way, buying a replacement for something you ruined does not make amends. You don't get a free run on being an asshat because you have money to replace stuff.
Just stay away for a while. Go work in a soup kitchen. Learn the value of personal space and belongings. Stop burning things, Beavis.
Well now that the "i've never done anything wrong in my entire life" and "calling people names makes my perfection feel even better" camps have weighed in, I guess I'll have my turn at it. Yeah, that's a not-so-subtle way of saying not to be a dick to the other members.
Next time, if you want to play a prank- execute it properly, or completely wash your hands of it. The only people involved in a prank should be those who have to be. You pretty much asked for it to get fucked up by letting others "tag along". But, hey, not everyone is a great prankster, so lesson learned on this one.
As far as the friend goes, there might not be much you can do. A large portion of parnking is knowing that the prank is worth the fallout, and that the fallout is acceptable. You miscalculated, you judged your friend wrong, it happens... but you might have been more careful when you had a good friendship on the line. This may have to be your lesson, I'm afraid. Take heart, though, there will be other friends. Life of full of opportunities to meet new people, especially when you're still in school, so just see this as a point taken, and move on... if your friend wants to stay a friend, she will let you know.