Originally Posted by Psycho Dad
But this still wasn't all his fault. Had she not called him a "fucken idiot" and asked him to buy her another one instead of asking IF he was going to buy another one he may have not taken the tone he did.
Never said it was.... all I said was he contributed to it with his reply. And, when he took the tone he did...it was him that got hit, and it is him posting this thread and wondering what the hell happened.
In a bar, with alcohol, someone has to be the adult. Apparently it wasn't her. Since he did bump into her and spill her drink, it was only right that he offer to replace her drink, or leave right then and there. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see she was pissed from the start. Whether he expected her to swing or not, he should have acted proactively instead of reactively like the woman did. He could very well have diffused the situation had he not egged her on with his reply. It isn't about assigning blame....because if it was, really she was at fault. But, you gotta pick your battles in this life, and this incident wasn't a battle. If he's gonna frequent bars, and there's nothing wrong with doing so, then he's gonna have to either learn how to deal with similar situations better, or improve his reflexes...otherwise reacting like he did, he'll be in a similar situation sooner or later. It's to his benefit he learns how to deal with irate women, or put on a catcher's mask ... which would be easier?
What's he gonna do if one day in the future his (future) wife gets pissed off and slaps him? Knock her out? Then say ...well she slapped me and she was out of line, so I knocked her on her ass. He won't be married for long. Women aren't always right....and the way to deal with them is not to duke it out with them, but rather keep a cool head and be the one who is thinking rationally.