Couldn't sleep last night. Finally fall asleep to wake up to one of my SO's smacking me in the face because I put my arm on her bladder when I rolled over to cuddle her. She poked me in the eye.
We're out of coffee, cuz I forgot to put it on the shopping list.
While heading to work today, the latch plate broke on the driver's side door of the car. Door won't open, no clue how to fix it. Sliding over from the passenger side I go.
Get into work, all the other floor managers called in. I'm managing a 72 person team by myself, plus helping handle escalations because the escalations manager is out sick. The account I just spent 2 months getting fixed for a major international client is still wrong, because one of my employees can't read the email I sent her about how to fix things. Three hours of phone work later, I have it straightened out. Of course, the sales team called me an idiot because to them it's my fault.
We're not getting raises at all in management this year. Again. Most of my employees now make more than I do AND qualify for overtime, while I don't, since I'm salaried.
Getting in the car to head home, the latch plate also breaks on the passenger side door. We're now climbing in over the back seat.
We get home to find my wife has a head cold. Again. And is mega cranky because of it.
We decide to order dinner. They bring our food, but we open it up to realize they forgot our SO's. I eat dinner feeling guilty because she's having to wait for hers.
Wife goes to bed feeling sick, so I decide to cuddle up with the SO. Decide to let the tension out by getting playful, work on her a little, offer her some head. She says she'd rather watch a movie, since she'd want to have sex afterwards and doesn't want to on the floor. I explain that she could just lay back and enjoy it, and I'd enjoy giving....and she turns on the TV.
This weekend better be better than today.