[QUOTE=X_789_X]You know, I think I made a mistake in posting this here./QUOTE]
You think you made a mistake posting your culpability on a public web forum?
Get a fucking grip, there are only a few people in this thread giving you excellent advice...and one of the first things we told you was that posting your guilt here was a definate mistake...yet you keep doing it.
That's your choice.
It's also your choice to believe a group of people who either haven't had actual experiences with these kinds of processes or do not have your best interest in mind when they make a comment to you regarding your situation. They may be acting in good faith, but the only person you can be sure will act in your best interest is a paid attorney (and yeah, that excludes yourself from acting in your best interest, too. as any good attorney will tell you, you are likely your worst enemy and your comments in here indicate that--and I'm not talking about your whining, I'm referring to your self-incriminating statements).
Regardless, you can be served in a number of ways. Unless someone in here is actually a process server, no one posting knows whether the method they chose to serve you was legitimate or not. Just keep in mind, it's more likely that you are misreading the letter. Civil trial is that last thing litigants do, they don't start with it. Trials are costly and time-consuming. Just because you can't find your name on a docket at the local courthouse doesn't mean you aren't in deep shit. You've already described that you recieved a copy of a letter that they sent to your univserity. Did you bother to check whether it's been officially received and what they plan on doing about it? I don't feel like going back through this thread, but I seem to recall you posting that your school had actually warned you about the policy regarding illegal downloads and basically told you that you were on your own as far as legal representation.
If you aren't going to take any initiative and determine whether any of this is real (and my opinion is that it most certainly is), then why would you think you could solicit free legal advice from any of us qualified to give it? Let me give you a hint: you can lament about how we aren't listening to you in here, but if you walk into any decent attorney's office and do the same thing to him or her rather than listen to the advice given, you are going to get tossed out on your ear...so don't do it.
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