Hi NoSoup, I have some questions...
I am not a finance head. We've gone through some real oddities through the past few years. First off, I'm amazed at how sharp some lenders are and surprised how sloppy others are. I found out that the loan I had on my Jeep was going four months into arrears even though it was paid off. What tipped me off was the notice that it may be repossesed. I called, left a message of hellfire and brimstone, got a short note saying it was a mistake --NO APOLOGY--
But that's just the tip... whenever my wife and I apply for a subsantial loan, mortgage etc. we are told we have scores in the 700's. Our ratio is extremely tight because we have student loans up through grad school, and in fact would like to take on more so we can really get into the high earner category... but we drive old beaters, we wear unfashionable clothes and wear old shoes so we stay on the line. The thing is, we get turned down for this, approved for that. We bought a house at a great rate, looked at consolidation of all debts, and didn't even get the courtesy of a return call. I purchased an anniversary ring for our 1st, was turned down for a jewelry company loan, but had much more than the cost available in credit. I bought it for cash, which left us a little dry for books that semester. But, we graduated.
Another niggling thing is a credit card I paid off five years ago that still pops up on reports as being unpaid. I have the final statement, but I sure hate toting it around after four moves. I called them after the last time and threatened court action, but lenders have ignored that part of my report and believe me when I say it's wrong. This card company was bought out twice as I was closing it out. Why do we get turned down for penny anty things, but approved at low rates for big things? Also, how is it that so many things slip through the cracks that could seriously hurt us?
Thank you for this thread. It needs a bump frequently.
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet
Last edited by Poppinjay; 10-06-2005 at 10:16 AM..