A lot of the wrestlers today seem to lack the charisma of wrestlers from the days of when it was WCW vs WWE. I don't know if I'd say that today's wrestlers don't have it. I would say that it looks like McMahon is putting too many restrictions on them. Instead of just giving a wrestler the mic and letting them improvise a bit, the wrestlers look like they are reading off an entire script word by word. I don't know if McMahon is to blame for not giving them the freedom earlier wrestlers had or if they are to blame for not taking it into their own hands and just running with it.
It looks to me like Vince is playing it a little too safe here. Now that he pretty much owns all the competition and has nothing to fear, he's not taking risks anymore (like he did back in the attitude era when they were pushing the envelope). Back when he had competition he was forced to take risks because WCW just came in out of nowhere with their unlimited budget and starting taking all of the best wrestlers. This in turn forced Vince to be innovative and those risks paid off big time.
Originally Posted by silent_jay
I was watching wrestling a while ago when Road Warrior Animal was in the ring and arguing back and forth witth another tag team I'm not too sure which one though, and they challenged Animal to a tag match and then made fun of him because his tag partner was dead, that had to be the most tasteless I have ever seen wrestling get.
Of course, the fact that they have bad writers doesn't exactly help either. The tag team was MNM, and they are actually pretty good. They need to stop bringing back the old wrestlers. Think creative and build up new stars.
I guess all we can hope for is some good competition to give WWE a run for their money. The closest thing to that right now is TNA.