Originally Posted by feelgood
Hmm...I'm gonna say that this movie is gonna suck...
If Hollywood follows its laws again, all movies based on gaming sucks, just look at the previous ones.
Wing Commander
House of Dead
Resident Evil
Alien vs Predator
Tomb Raider
Mario Bros
So on, so forth
Name me one movie that was based on games that turned out to be good. Heck, I'm even already betting the Doom's movie will suck too.
Wing Commander - Freddie Prinze Jr., 'nuff said.
House of Dead - Ewe Boll. Ugh, he's responsible for 90% of the shit video game movies
Resident Evil - I thought it was pretty well done. Granted, the 2nd one did suck.
Alien vs Predator - Again, I liked, and this wasn't really based on a video game at all. Its just coincidence that there was an AVP game as well.
Tomb Raider - I also enjoyed this one, but like RE, the 2nd one did suck as well.
Mario Bros - Some games should remain games, and this was one.
The point still remains, Peter Jackson, the head of one of the most popular trilogies of all time, is heading up this movie. They haven't even released the cast yet, and if you were following how tightly Bungie is being with who does this movie, you would know why I am defending it so much.