Originally Posted by silent_jay
I would love to see that, I just don't know who half the wrestlers are anymore, and the matches just don't seem as interesting as they used to be. I'd love to see some of my favorites from when I was a kid, but you're right it probably wouldn't sell that well. Who was that guy who came out and interrupted the legends anyways? I've never seen him before. I kind of wanted to see Hacksaw whach him over the head with the 2X4 for old times.
It's sad these fans won't know the Hacksaw 2x4 or the Million Dollar Sleeper, or see Macho man do a flying elbow off the top rope and mic work (ooooooo yeahhhhhh), or even the FrankenSteiner. Or how about a Bushwacker forehead lick?
The 80's and 90's had such great stars and McMahon pretty much built them up. Just great in ring and out of ring showmen and a roster so deep that it was unfreakingbelieveable.
Today, so many wrestlers just don't have it. I think that's why they keep bringing Hogan and Foley and Flair and Taker and Piper back. If they could just get Macho to freaking come back.... him and Curt Hennig (Mr. PerrrrrrrrFect) are my all time favorites.
Even the annoncers lack fun, don't get me wrong, I love Lawler (he can be funny as Hell) but give me a Bobby The Brain Heenan, Mean Gene, even Jesse Ventura and Vince McMahon behind the mic doing interviews or play by play.