Originally Posted by n0nsensical
Hey, were those fences I saw entirely enclosing the reflecting pools now? Way to uglify the place.
Unfortunately, yes. There are some breaks, but not many. We were just there in June and they where there then.
So far this edition has been interesting becuase it has been taking place in areas I have been recently (or where I live). It's fun to shout at the TV - "no, turn left you moron!"
I go back and forth on this season if I like the format of the teams. I get frustrated that half of the teams have one person who just can't hack it. Didn't someone say to them that a little bit of exercise would have been an key part of preparation? Of course, the teams are more real to life than in other seasons.
And will someone slap everyone from the "New Jersey" team. I thought the sons were asses, and now I know who it came from.