A little creative Googling hit a page of a guy who also got this letter from good ol' Aaron:
Well guess what Aaron Markham, this is your reply:
Dear Douchebag who charges $22 for a DVD that cost you 3 cents to make,
Blow me. Twice.
Only then would I like you to actually spend the millions of dollars to use an electron microscope to forensically read each 1 and 0 that was etched into my hard drive after I wipedrived it- 12 times. It is just by luck that I have recently "rebuilt" my machine and started fresh. Once you get done analyzing the 300gb hard drive (that was filled to capacity with downloaded movies, music, and software) you will find that: "The Big Lebowski" is the least of your worries (the massive amounts of adult movies alone will boggle your feeble mind [amongst other apendages]).
Furthermore, you could not get any money out of me even if you wanted to. I have none. I would have nothing better to do than to sit in court every day, listening to you bitch and moan about how I threw my hard drive into my friends salt-water fish tank and is nothing more than bits of rusted dust and shark poop. And how that it would be forensically impossible to prove I pleasure myself to videos of my friend Spy eating Subway.
Blow me again. Third times the charm,
Well said, Mike.
EDIT to clarify something for you. The waters are still murky as far as the courts are concerned when it comes to downloading. If you can demonstrate that you have or had a copy of the movie prior to downloading then they have absolutely no case. Even under the unrealistic DMCA, you still have the fair use to make copies (digital or otherwise) of your media for backup purposes. Don't ever give up that right.
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel
Last edited by Jinn; 10-05-2005 at 12:03 AM..