Originally Posted by Mr. Spacemonkey
How could they not be? Foley's awesome, Piper's cool.
True, I have always like Piper and Foley, it's a shame Piper and McMahon can't get along and work together for longer periods of time. Not that Piper maybe able to wrestle anymore but as an announcer, manager or interviewer the man has some massive talent.
Originally Posted by Mr. Spacemonkey
Yeah, but that's not a bad thing in my opinion. I'm bored with Hogan. Doesn't he usually take around 30 minutes to pose anyway? And the Cena vs. Bischoff thing was funny but pretty stupid/predictable too.
True, Hogan does tend to get long winded and pose, but he did make wrestling and has a charisma and fire that still kicks ass. A Stone Cold and Hogan match would be killer. Make it a 3 way by adding HBK and try to make it a fatal 4 way by getting Hart, the Rock or the Undertaker and all put everything they had into it, it would become an instant classic. But if they do that
Ah to dream.
Originally Posted by Mr. Spacemonkey
Pan, I'm not a big fan of Cena either. He has an annoying gimmick and isn't showing a lot of skill. Not that he doesn't have any skills, he's just not showing any. He's being held back by the gimmick.
Yeah, the hip hop gangsta doesn't really do anything for me and it will probably stereotype him and he'll fade fast.
Originally Posted by Mr. Spacemonkey
The Angle vs HBK match was probably the best match of the night .
Always those 2 guys are the best showmen the WWE has right now, especially with Jericho and Van Dam missing. The intesity HBK has and the antics and facial expressions of Angle make them far superior. Plus they know how to sell moves and put a story in the squared circle... very few today can do that.
Originally Posted by Mr. Spacemonkey
I also really enjoyed the Matt vs Edge Latter match. I was really hoping Matt would win though because he's a great wrestler. Not great on the mic though. Edge is great on the mic, but has the worst looking spear ever.
Hardy won't be gone long, I keep looking for the match where Lita turns on Edge and goes back to Matt...... it's one of those where you know it's coming but when.
Edge and Hardy if they worked on their respective weaknesses, (as you listed them and I agree), could become the next HBK, Austin, Hogan superstars.
But the Tables, Ladders and Chairs matches also will take their toll and these guys are going to be hurting as they age. Those matches also are nice but to keep doing them over and over limits the rest of what you can do, and when you have the same opponent each time the matches are very predictable. Unless you're Foley and have a cage.... that guy fucking mangles his body to tell the story and does so in such a way you think he's going to come out paralyzed or dead and every match is different. I'll never forget top of the cage head first into the announcer's table.... DAMN.
Originally Posted by Mr. Spacemonkey
HHH and Flair. Predictable ... but in a really good way. I mean, that's the HHH we all love to see ... or hate.
Flair and HHH are great, wish HHH would let out some of his humor like he did back in the early days. Now he acts to serious but he is awesome to watch. And Flair? Well Flair will always be a great sell artist. How can he get flipped into the rope, turn around and drop face first into the mat, this match?
As an aside, the biggest problem I have with McMahon's WWE right now is he allows the blade way, way too much.... I mean 10 years ago you very rarely saw blood and if you did it was legit.... now you have a blader at least once in every show.
McMahon really knew how to build the product also, use Hogan to get the kids and then as the kids aged and became more rebellious and extreme, move the product that way..... (of course Heyman and ECW and to some degree Bischoof pushed him into it, but he has taken off with it.)
In a few years he'll start all over again, bring out the comic bookers, then grow and cycle through another set of kids.