Well your friend should know (and her physician should have told her) letting your diabetes go out of control while pregnant is going to increase her risk of the baby having various birth defects, or even worse, having a miscarriage or stillborn baby. The risks are all higher if she has uncontrolled blood sugar during pregnancy.
For herself, point out that diabetes is the number one cause of blindness in the US today due to lack of control. letting the sugar stay out of control is hard on your heart and kidneys specifically. The nerves in your hands and feet can get screwed up causing all sorts of fun nerve pain, and eventually a complete loss of feeling. Then once you have no feeling in your feet you get a cut and don't feel it. The cut can't heal because your blood vessels are all lax and there's fluid pooling in your legs so the proper white blood cells can't get there to fight the infection. On top of that, with the high blood sugar your blood is like Kool-aid and the bacteria and fungi love all that sugar and grow like mad. Then she can say goodbye to her foot. Just her foot if she's lucky. Once the foot goes, the legs generally aren't far behined.
I understand always having to monitor her glucose sucks, and insulin shots are no fun, and she can't eat what she wants. But when it boils down to being at her baby's soccor games in a few years standing and clapping or in a wheelchair because she has no legs, I think I'd choose the former. If she's even there at all.
"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."
- Napoleon Bonaparte